II. Bagaimana mendapatkan damage block?
1. Stout Shield
Gives a 60% chance to block 20 damage if the wielder is melee, or a 60% chance to block 10 damage if the wielder is ranged.
Damage block hero melee dengan hero range berbeda. Yaitu block 20 damage untuk hero melee, dan block 10 damage untuk hero range.
2. Poor Man's Shield
Gives a 100% chance to block 20 hero damage and a 60% chance to block 20 non-hero damage if wielder is melee.
Gives a 100% chance to block 10 hero damage and a 60% chance to block 10 non-hero damage if wielder is ranged.
Untuk hero melee memberi 100% Chance untuk memblock 20 hero damage dan 60% Chance untuk memblock 20 NON-hero damage , sedangkan untuk hero range member 100% Chance untuk memblock 10 hero damage dan 60% Chance untuk memblock 10 NON-hero damage.
3. Vanguard
Gives a 70% chance to block 40 attack damage if wielder is melee, or 70% chance to block 20 damage if wielder is ranged.
Memberi 70% Chance untuk memblock 40 damage untuk hero melee , atau 70% Chance untuk memblock 20 damage untuk hero range.
4. Kraken Shell ( Skill Tidehunter )
Creates a thick armor shell around Leviathan that protects him against attacks. Additionally, this ability removes negative buffs when he has taken significant damage. Gives 100% chance to reduce 7/14/21/28 damage.
Meremove negative buff setiap menerima 600 damage. Tidak stack dengan damage block lainnya seperti stout shield, Poor Man’s Shield, Vanguard.
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